Are porn videos used for education? And if so, does it make them identical to sex ed? Here, we will go through some of the most important differences between porn and sex ed. We will also cover the importance of both and which one is a better option if you are looking to educate someone.
Are There Similarities?
Saying that porn videos and sex education have nothing in common would be completely wrong. There is numerous useful information you can pick up from them. But at the same time, there are also many pornography and sex education differences as well.
And many people would say that porn videos are not good learning material. It would be highly inappropriate to watch them in sex-ed class. But what are some of the useful tips? Well, viewers can get the idea of how things work and what goes where. They will be able to learn about anatomy and differences between sexes. Some elements of sex ed can include pornography, but it is not a form of education on its own.
They Are Different in These Ways:
Even though sex and porn have many things in common, it isn’t something that allows viewers to learn about sex and the different aspects related to it. Pornography does not offer all the necessary information about sex, and there are so many things to learn that are often left behind.
And the very nature of pornography is not to educate but to serve as a tool for arousal and pleasure.
It Does Not Talk About STDs and STIs
One of the most important aspects of sex ed is ignored by pornography, and that is the existence of sexually transmitted diseases and infections or STDs and STIs. The simplest way to catch a disease is to have unprotected sex. In some countries, it is mandatory for porn actors to use protection, but this isn’t the case everywhere. Furthermore, mainstream porn is quite safe, and actors get regularly tested. But this is not something the audience can see.
All they see are a bunch of people having unprotected sex. There is no way to see what’s happening behind the scene, and this can give a wrong impression. Someone watching porn can start thinking that protection is not necessary, and this is not the case.
STDs and STIs are not attractive, and they are never even mentioned in pornography, for example. So, those who decide to visit one of these websites wouldn’t get a chance to learn about the importance of safe sex.
Pornography Does Not Talk About Consent and Decision Making
The next important topic and the difference between education and porn is consent. As you are probably aware, consent is not often a topic in pornography. In fact, many videos are doing quite the opposite. It is not rare to see porn videos where someone is taking advantage of someone or doing something that would be wrong or even illegal in real life.
Now, all these movies are done with full consent, but it is just another thing that viewers can’t see. It is essential to educate teens about the importance of consent and decision-making. They need to understand that pornography and xxx videos include a lot of acting, and the majority of things they see there are not real.
There Are No Discussions About Masturbation Addiction
If you ever watched pornography, you are probably aware that masturbation is shown either as a part of foreplay or as a sexual act on its own. What these movies never show is both the good and bad sides of it. And this is another thing you can learn from sex ed classes.
Almost everything that makes us feel good can become an addiction, and masturbation is no different. Now, this is something you won’t learn from porn videos. Pornography just shows different sexual experiences, but it never discusses dangers included in the package. And masturbation can become a problem.
This doesn’t mean that watching porn movies a couple of times and masturbating will turn into an addiction. But it is a slippery slope. Needless to say, this isn’t as dangerous as other types of addiction, but it can still affect your life in a negative way. As long as you consume it in moderation, everything will be well.
Basic Anatomy Is Not Taught
The next problem with porn is that you don’t get the necessary information about human bodies. Yes, you will be able to see some parts, but only what’s on the outside. This does not cover the reproductive organs and everything related to them.
In fact, porn only focuses on lust and sex. That is not helpful if you are looking to educate people. If you take a look at sex ed in high schools, it usually does not offer enough information. But it is still countless times more useful than pornography. Students will be able to learn essential parts of the anatomy and even how to properly use protection, sex toys, and so on.
Of course, some elements of pornography are essential for sex ed as well, but the majority of its content is quite useless for students. Learning about anatomy, health, and proper ways to do things will make a world of difference for them.
Porn Movies Are Only Made to Satisfy Fetishes
Sex education has a goal to educate the viewer. They will be able to learn about numerous things we mentioned. Pornography, on the other hand, doesn’t care about education. In fact, the only goal is to satisfy one’s fetish.
And this is why there are so many categories you can find online. Everyone has fetishes. It’s quite normal to have kinks and preferences, and pornography aims to satisfy all of them. Regardless of what you’re into, there is porn that will seem to be made just for you. Education has a more general approach where you will be able to learn about everything sex-related.
It is more than obvious that pornography doesn’t aim to educate anyone. But people often forget how ridiculous these movies can be. It is probably one of the reasons why production companies are going over the top with bad acting and dialogues. The idea is to keep the viewer aware that this has nothing to do with real life.
Does That Mean We Don’t Need Porn Anymore?
Does all of this mean that we don’t need pornography anymore? The answer is no. It is a necessary part of our society. And just because there are some bad aspects related to it, it doesn’t mean that pornography shouldn’t exist.
And even though there are differences between sex ed and porn, it doesn’t make the other side obsolete. People still need both. But the idea is to focus on their advantages. Sexual education is excellent for schools and informing young people about sex-related topics. Pornography, on the other hand, is a perfect thing to watch if you are looking to get yourself in the mood for sexy stuff.